Wedding Planning 101 - Top Five Tips

MAY 2019 – BLOG

We get it, Event Planning isn’t for everyone.  Weddings are all about crossing t’s, dotting i’s and can transform even the most mild mannered Clark Kent into Darth Vader .  

To make your wedding day as stress free as possible and leave you enjoying the rewards of your efforts, we offer the following TOP FIVE TIPS to keep you on course, on time and on budget.

  1. Don’t stress if you can’t invite EVERYONE to your big day.  Unless you have an unlimited budget, and there aren’t many of those, and unlimited facility space, there will likely be people you have to leave off the list.  Our suggestion; send them a handwritten, personal note asking them to join you in spirit toasting your marriage and your new life together.

  2. Decide 3 words that describe your wedding experience and stay true to those words when planning.

  3. Program – KISS principle!  Keep It Simple, Silly. Speeches should be short, sweet and well orchestrated by your MC.  Limit slide presentations to max 10 minutes to keep your guests interested and engaged.

  4. Great Food + Party atmosphere + Bar = happy guests.

  5. Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Very few, if any, will notice small details that may go wrong.  Relax and Enjoy your special day!